Do you need a criminal defence lawyer in Burlington? Having an experienced criminal lawyer on your side is the best defence. Serving the Burlington, Ontario area, Hepburn Law defends its clients from a wide range of criminal matters from initial stage of the bail hearing through to trials and appeals.
Domestic Assault Lawyer in Burlington
Domestic violence and domestic assault includes any behavior used to assert control over somebody in your household. Victims of domestic abuse can include spouses, domestic partners, girlfriends or boyfriends, and family members. While most people think of physical violence when they think of domestic assault in Canada, the crime can
About Sexual Assault
Sexual Assault Defence Sexual Assault charges are taken very seriously by law officials and the courts. It can lead not only to high fines and jail time but also result in social, work and travel consequences. There are several types of sexually assault charges in Canadian law, all of which fall
White collar crime refers to non-violent crimes committed through deceptive practices, for the purpose of financial gain. Typically, white collar crimes are committed by business people who are able to access large amounts of money, though the term is sometimes applied to others who pilfer monies in other circumstances. White
Murder Manslaughter: Introduction Murder manslaughter are serious charges – charges that often make it to the media when they occur. Because these situations are so widely-reported, most people have some understanding of what murder and manslaughter entail, and can identify that the main difference between the two is intent. However,
Impaired Driving Lawyer In Burlington
Introduction Driving while drunk or intoxicated is a serious crime that can result in both immediate and long- term penalties. In case of an arrest it is wise to contact a lawyer who understands the complex laws against drunk driving. A Impaired Driving Lawyer Burlington will challenge the arrest against
Best Firearm Weapon Offence Attorney in Burlington
Introduction The use of firearms and other weapons is regulated by the firearms act. It is illegal to be in possession of unlicensed gun or any other weapon. The law is against selling or trading of weapons without permission from security agencies. The mandate of regulating the circulation of firearms
How to Counter Employee Fraud
Another negative consequence of the economic downturn: employee fraud and thefts are on the rise. Periodic credit and criminal background checks, also known as ‘continuous screening’ or ‘infinity background screening,’ have been shown to be effective risk management tools for companies and a major deterrent against potential fraud. Employees facing increased
Gun and Gang Violence
Firearm-related homicides in Canada have been steadily increasing, reaching a total of 223 in 2016, 44 more than the previous year. Shootings have now become the most common method of homicide, surpassing homicide by stabbing and beating. Gang-related homicides involving guns are no exception. In 2016 alone, police reported 141
5 Things You Need to Know if You Get a DUI or DWI
Whether called “driving while intoxicated” (DWI), “driving under the influence” (DUI), or “operating under the influence” (OUI), the crime commonly known as “drunk driving” has some serious penalties. Given that, here are 5 things you need to know about a DWI, DUI, or OUI arrest or conviction. And what you